We are The Puppeteam, six graduate students from the Master's program in Digital Creation at the University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3. Bound by our passion for animation and cinematography, we each bring our own expertise in filming, editing, animation, and sound design.
- Réalisation : HORTA Noémie
- Scénario : CONTESCU Irina-Ioana, EL ZOABI Diyala, VERRIER Lowen, HORTA Noémie, HONONDADJO Kelvine, THANACOODY Mélina
- Casting : HORTA Noémie, THANACOODY Mélina
- Photographie : EL ZOABI Diyala, HONONDADJO Kelvine
- Son : CONTESCU Irina-Ioana, EL ZOABI Diyala
- Montage : HORTA Noémie, VERRIER Lowen
- Musique : Mardochée Betty Mbala Mbafu, HORTA Noémie
- Déco : EL ZOABI Diyala, HONONDADJO Kelvine
- Costumes : CONTESCU Irina-Ioana, THANACOODY Mélina
- Maquillage & coiffure : HONONDADJO Kelvine, THANACOODY Mélina
- Production : CONTESCU Irina-Ioana, EL ZOABI Diyala, VERRIER Lowen, HORTA Noémie, HONONDADJO Kelvine, THANACOODY Mélina
- Assistant réal : VERRIER Lowen
- VFX : HORTA Noémie, VERRIER Lowen
- Mixage son : CONTESCU Irina-Ioana, EL ZOABI Diyala
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our mothers for their constant support and love throughout this journey.