You and I

148 vues

Alon Dumagat (Frederick Acebuche), a Filipino Aeta, wakes up in an unfamiliar void and begins a journey, carrying two heavy pieces of wood symbolizing his past and future. His present self embodies the strength to face life’s struggles. The film shows that it’s not difficult to shoulder dreams, but the cycle of time, the world’s unfairness, and the challenge of dealing with others and oneself. It highlights that each person has the power to change their life, starting today.

Coi Samonte


I'm Francoise Fernand "Coi Samonte" San Mateo, a Visual Artist and Graphic Designer known for humor and creativity. My love for cinema began with The Iron Giant and Dawn of the Dead 1978. Watching Keone and Mariel Madrid’s Preface inspired me to explore storytelling through both dance and film.

  • Réalisation : Francoise "Coi Samonte" San Mateo
  • Scénario : Francoise "Coi Samonte" San Mateo
  • Casting : Frederick Acebuche, Siouxie Say, Geraldine Santiago, and Angelo Garcia
  • Photographie : FernArt and Coi Samonte
  • Son : Liwanag Productions and Coi Samonte
  • Montage : Project Films and Coi Samonte
  • Musique : Crystal Soul
  • Déco : Coi Samonte, Frederick Acebuche, and Siouxie Say with Angelo Garcia
  • Costumes : Siouxie Say
  • Maquillage & coiffure : Coi Samonte, Frederick Acebuche, and Siouxie Say
  • Production : Project Films and Liwanag Productions
  • VFX : FernArt
  • Étalonnage : Coi Samonte and Angelo Garcia
  • Mixage son : Liwanag Productions and Coi Samonte

Producers / Casting by: Coi Samonte, Frederick Acebuche and Patchie Garcia Production Assistants: Geraldine Santiago and Siouxie Gail Say Costume Coordinators: Siouxie Gail Say, Frederick Acebuche, and JP Ordame Props Coordinators: Richael Dela Cruz, Frederick Acebuche, and Coi Samonte Location Scouts: Siouxie Gail Say and Geraldine Santiago Camera Equipment: Patchie Garcia, Angelo Garcia, and Coi Samonte


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Développé par :

Kalpy - Agence de développement Web