Mini-series competition

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It's the first day of university for Liz, a silly, awkward people pleaser. She's really excited to make new friends. Getting hit by a door, she unlocks the power of reading people's minds! Is it going to help her achieve her goal of joining the coolest group of the uni?

Fanny Billet

Zlata Cazimir


We are Fanny Billet and Zlata Cazimir, two friends studying cinema in Paris. Passionate in editing and writing, we wanted to try a new challenge : directing a small comedy show!

  • Directing : Fanny Billet, Zlata Cazimir
  • Script : Fanny Billet, Zlata Cazimir
  • Casting : Charlotte Sell-Mendoza, Adrien Jacks, Laura Prévot, Katherin Munive Caldas, Aly Meunier
  • Photography : Juliette Brulin
  • Sound : Yolène Le Coeur, Maximilien Duchamp, Roger Henin
  • Editing : Fanny Billet, Zlata Cazimir
  • Music : Axel Gautier, Rokha Fall, Léa Rocheteau-Soleau
  • Decoration : Kirill Barashkov
  • Costumes : Katherin Munive Caldas
  • Makeup & hairdressing : Emma Horváth
  • Production : Jules Clot
  • Directing assistant : Jules Clot
  • Calibration : Juliette Brulin, Jules Clot
  • Sound mixing : Fanny Billet, Zlata Cazimir

Camera Operator : Gianfranco M. Raso, Roger Henin 1st AC : Marie Deppe, Roger Henin Sparks/Image runners : Milan Yvernes, Luke Deppner, Eloïse Thai, Salomé Legast, Léa Rocheteau, Maximilien Duchamp Continuity Supervisor : Aleksandra Szymanek, Artem Kurachenko 2nd AD : Emma Horváth Intro sequence : Sarah Levasseur Location Manager : Benjamin Venner, Jules Clot Drivers : Benjamin Venner, Maximilien Duchamp Special thanks : 3is Paris, Guillaume Quetel, Thybault D'Anzul, Haby Diagola, Alexian Travers, Tymoteusz Drozd, Axell Luquet, Antoinette Veilhan, Tommaso Frigi, Baptiste Caffin

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